handcrafted on the road in my sprinter van with my dog, Wyatt.

Hi, I'm caitie | owner

Welcome to my little romantically creative corner of the interweb. My name is Caitie. The fragility of time, and the deep sense of responsibility to be present in each moment has galvanized an awe about the world that is woven into everything I pursue.

Over the years how the magic inspires to move me has evolved. Sometimes it's in a podcast, in writing, in painting, photography, beading, silversmithing, and teaching. I'm sure my wonder will call me to lengthen this list over time as well. My goal is to allow my heart to move me, to trust in its dance and call to create, to follow my intuitive wild, and share my art with others in a way that allows me to continue to pursue living all in, as I am, for as long as time should allow.

Hey there,

Wicked, Wild, & Free

It's about romanticizing the hell out of your life. Chasing sunsets, and deep belly laughs that make your cheeks hurt from smiling. It's about getting deeply attached to people and moments. Not because there won't be wounds, but because you were forged in a resilience that transcends time. You deserve to be seen, remarkably so. You deserve to be loved for all your imperfect glory because when the armor comes down, love can seep through the cracks of our gloriously messy lives and suddenly we are full of deep, rich, beautiful connection to everything that makes us feel whole. 

xoxo, Caitie